Let’s talk about one of our favorite accessories: the handbag! Whether it’s a tiny clutch or a spacious tote, our handbags are more than just a fashion statement – they’re our lifelines, carrying everything we need to conquer the day with style and confidence.

So, what are the must-haves that every girl should stash in her trusty handbag? Let’s dive in!


Okay so this one is pretty obvious but it is also the most important one! I myself use a cardholder because it tends to take up less space which is handy if you only carry a small bag.

Lip Balm or Lipstick

Hands down, I never go anywhere if I don’t have a lipbalm on me. Luckily they are a compact size and fit in any handbag or purse.

Compact Mirror

Another one high on the list for me. For a quick hair or make-up check. Or simply because you don’t want to walk around with something stuck between your teeth.

Hand Sanitizer

Hygiene first, always! A travel-sized hand sanitizer is a must for staying fresh and clean no matter where your adventures takes you. Especially when you start thinking about all the surfaces you touch in one day….yeah you don’t want those same hands to also touch your face or food right?


Honestly I only used to carry this around when I would go on holiday, but it so handy to have on a day to day basis. You never know when you might need one.

Chewing Gum or Mints

This is a no brainer right. Nothing better than knowing you smell fresh when speaking to someone.

Reusable Shopping Bag

This should also be a staple. You get to help save the planet and stay prepared for impromptu shopping trips with a foldable (cute) reusable bag.

Emergency Makeup Kit

A mini makeup kit with only the essentials like concealer, mascara, and touch-up powder can help you go from day to night effortlessly.

Hair Accessories

Whether it’s a hair tie, bobby pins, or a cute claw clip, having some hair accessories on hand can save the day when your hair need a little extra TLC. I also always have a hairbrush on me, I live in a place where it can get really windy so trust me on this one!.


For headaches, cramps, back pain, migraines, allergies etc…you name it.

Tissues or Wet Wipes

Spills, sneezes, or makeup emergencies – be prepared for anything with a pack of tissues or wet wipes.

If you have the extra space..

i wanted to throw in some extras: sunglasses, a portable charger, feminine products, mini perfume, wet wipes, sunscreen, water bottle & hand products like hand cream, a nial vilr or nail clippers!

With these essentials you will always be ready and prepared for what the day may bring you. The best part is you can tailor this list to any handbag or purse you own, so you willl always have the most important thing with you on the go!

I’ve made an easy one-click kit with most of the essential products from this post! I’ve also included a kit with some really cute handbags found on Amazon. You can find both links down below.




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